Need help navigating the real estate leasing market?
Here’s The Scoop.
Many people are not aware of what the leasing process is like for single-family residences in Central Texas. Take a peek at these free resources and then give me a call for more details.
Those looking for a single family residence can expect certain things around the residential lease process. Here is a list of the most common.
Those looking for a single family residence can expect to provide certain documents in the residential lease process. Here is a list of the most common.
Consider working with a real estate agent if you are thinking about applying for a single family residential lease in the Austin area. Here is a great questionnaire to go over with your agent.
Have you ever wondered if you should be renting or buying? Here is a great side-by-side look at the two and how they affect you.
Ever wonder what your rights are as a tenant in Texas? Here is a Tenant’s Rights handbook produced by the Texas Young Lawyer’s Association.
Here is another great resource about the rights of both landlords and tenants in Texas. This is produced by Texas A&M’s Real Estate Center.
Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.
- - Warren Buffett